Main Characters
Maya Vodein: Maya is an anthropomorphic, psychic wolf that was physically and mentally altered at a young age. She was raised at Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp by Sasha Nein and Milla Vodello. The white fur grows where the scars from her alterations were. She also wears a special collar to help translate her garbled language into understandable speech, all the badges she obtains are put onto this collar.
Razputin Aquato: Razputin, better known as Raz, was the youngest person to ever become a Psychonaut. He comes from a circus family and was kept from his psychic-hating father. Their family was cursed by a gypsy/psychic years ago, cursing everyone in their family to die by water, so Raz can't swim and has a weakness against it. He's actively working for the Psychonauts.
Sasha Nein: Ran away from his German home when he was a teenager after psycically seeing his father's sexual fantasies about his dead mother. He's very serious and monotone and gets easily distracted by his expierments. He has a lot of loose files and paper work in his lab. Big fire hazard. Acts as a father figure to Maya.
Milla Vodello: A Brazillian dancing psychic diva! She's the mental minx! I'm going to stop writing cheesey descriptions now! Had horrible loss at an orphanage years ago, leaving her with horrible nightmares, but also allowing her to be a good mother to the "orphaned" Maya. Acts as a mother to Maya. Hair this good belongs on TV.
Lili Zanato: Raz's camp girlfriend from camp ten years before. They're still on a friendship basis, but broke up after a few years of distance. She can't let go that they aren't together anymore.
Ford Cruller: Was once a great Psychonauts master until his psyche was shattered. He's now confined to a sanctuary under the camp above a large chunk of Psytanium, the only thing that keeps his psyche in check. When not around it he has multiple personalities. He's also surprisingly fast for an old guy. Really likes bacon. There's that smell again.

Secondary/Dead Characters
Dogan Boole: Has some head exploding issues. He's a little out of it, but is generally nice. Has an issue with squirrels.
Linda: Like Maya, Linda was altered from her natural state by Oleander. She went from a simple lungfish to a hulking monster, but after having her mind cleared by Raz 10 years ago, she became a kind (if not hideously frightening) addition to Lake Oblongata and Whipsering Rock Psychic Summer Camp as well as a life-long friend to Raz.
Bobby Zilch: Was once the camp bully and still is. Accompanied by bad teeth, now sharpened to increase scariness, and big hair, Bobby has no bias in his bullying.
Phoebe Love: Once had bad issues with her Pyrokinesis, but after years of therapy and training has learned to control them and use them to her advantage. Is best friends with and married to Quentin.
Quentin Hedgemouse: He still thinks levetation and singing are his strongest skills (they aren't). Married to his best friend, Phoebe.
Vernon Tripe: Tells very very VERY long-winded and pointless stories. And then we turned left. And then we made another left. And then a right. And then I gave Lady a bone...
Morceau Oleander: Once went crazy from repressed memories of his butcher father and tried to use camper's brains in a tank to take over the world.

Dancing With Strangers is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. Dancing With Strangers Comic and Maya Vodein are (c) 2007 to Sheila Gordey now and forever so don't steal because bad stuffs will happen why the heck are you reading this?! Psychonauts and all it's characters are (c) DoubleFine and all that jazz.